Friday, January 7, 2011

Marriage and Divorce Hollywood Style

     In many ways Hollywood sets the standard of conduct for this nation's
citizenry on a social, moral, political and religious scale. Many believe it is
reasonable to assert that if the rich and famous are doing it, then it must be
within proper bounds. If the nation's icons are following a certain course
of action it must have heaven's stamp of approval. Others just don't seem
to care; like it or not they intend to do things their way.

     It is a known fact that many of the legendary actors, sports figures, movie
directors and politicians have been married and divorced multiple times, and for
no better reasons than "I like it this way." Or, "Our differences were irreconcilable
and we deemed it best to file for divorce and look for someone who could make
us happy." The main problem with their view of marriage and divorce is: it violates
the teaching of sacred scripture and as a result God is not pleased with their

     Jesus taught, "But I say to you that every one who divorces his wife, except
on the ground of sexual immorality, makes her an adulteress, and whoever
marries a divorced woman commits adultery." (Mat. 5:32) Divorces for
"irreconcilable differences," "we just couldn't get along," "we needed to take
leave from one another," "we believe we will be happier being apart," etc. are
not acceptable to the great God of heaven. The person who divorces his wife
"except on the ground of sexual immorality makes her an adulteress" (by
creating a circumstance wherein she seeks another relationship, albeit unlawful
before God). Consequently another party is "hooked" into a sinful union by
marrying a woman who has been divorced. It becomes a tangled web of sin
that is not easily untangled due to human emotions, ignorance, deceit, and

     Jesus also said, "And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for
sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery." (Mat. 19:9)
No one has the right to divorce his wife unless the wife has committed adultery.
The person who does so sins and if he marries another person, he commits
adultery. Divorce because of financial problems, emotional problems, in-law
problems, work related problems, and a myriad of other things will not satisfy
the requirements of God's will. God's will, not the human will must have priority.
Just because people of wealth, prominence, and earthly fame violate the teaching
of God's word by indiscriminately marrying and divorcing does not make it right
and their actions will not go unnoticed by the all-seeing God.

     God intends for marriage to be a permanent relationship between one man
and one woman (Mat. 19:4-6), with the one exception already noted.
(Mark 10:11; Luke 16:18) No amount of money, prestige, political clout,
human sympathy, or political correctness will change what Almighty God has
decreed. God's will has been established in heaven. (1 Pet. 1:24-25) The
teaching of scripture, not Hollywood should set the standard for human

     May all humanity know that God will have the last word, and King Jesus,
the Son of Yahweh will judge mankind according to the things done in the
body whether good or evil. (Jno 5:28-29; Acts 17:30-31; 2 Cor. 5:10-11)
Let us return to the word of God and be faithful regardless of the costs.


Copyright 2011

1 comment:

  1. This is a good topic. Too many people these days want it their way, but let us not forget we are only mere humans. It will always be Yahwehs way. Marriage is not always going to be peaches and cream, but as long as long as we have the Lord we will be ok it might not happen on this side but if we keep walking in the light Yahweh will bless us with the blessing of all blessings a Eternity of Glory in gloryland. Let no man tear apart what God has brung together!
