Friday, April 1, 2011

"Face Up or Face Down?"

     A dear friend and brother in Christ recently asked me if the New Testament
prescribes a certain "way" that a person is to be immersed in order to have their
sins forgiven? In other words, must a person be immersed with their face down,
face up, etc.?

     The answer is no. God's word does not bind a specific position for the body
of the person being immersed. The way the body is submerged has nothing to do
with the benefits derived from submitting to the act of immersion. A person can be
submerged beneath the water face up, face down, sitting, kneeling, standing, or in
any other position as long as they understand the proper reason for the act (in order
to  receive  the  remission  of  sins;  Acts 2:38;  Acts 22:16), and  as long as they
understand that God will add them to one religious body when they are immersed.
(Acts 8:12-13;1 Cor. 12:13)

     God has specified the act of immersion , therefore sprinkling and pouring as
practiced by denominations are unauthorized acts. (Rom. 6:3-4; Col. 2:12) But,
God has not specified the way the act is to be performed. Good judgment and
expediency  are  key  elements  that  will  assist  one  in  determining  the  best
position for the person's body as they go down into the water.

Copyright 2011

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