Thursday, December 8, 2011

A New Direction?

     It is unquestionably true that some who profess to be members of the body of Christ
want the Lord's people to go in a new direction. They  are  determined to bring about
changes in the doctrine, practice, and  attitude  of the Lord's  people  toward religious
error. Some call them "change agents," and such they are, but before they became change
agents they became "softies." Many of these men, whether elders, preachers, or editors
of religious journals, have lost their perspective about the need to "fight the good fight of
the faith" (1 Tim. 6:12, ASV), to "be strong in the Lord, and in his mighty that
you can  take your stand" (Eph.6:10-11, NIV-11),  and  to "contend  earnestly  for  the
faith  which  was  once  for  all  delivered  to  the saints." (NASB-77)

     It is often alleged by some young preachers of today, and some of the older ones who
have softened like butter left on the dinner table, that the older generation of preachers
proclaimed such  strong  "doctrinal"  sermons  that  they  neglected  to preach on other
important subjects such as grace, mercy, love, and unity. I deny their claim with every
fiber of  my  being! I  have  never  met  or  heard  a preacher of the gospel from the past
who did not believe in and preach on grace, mercy, love, unity and any other "positive"
subject in God's word. The difference between them and many of our day is, they
understood that those very subjects include all that God has done and taught, and that
unity is attained through adherence to the word of God, and not as the result of doctrinal
compromise, neglect, and an ecumenical spirit in which anything goes. (John 17:17,
20-21; Eph. 4:1-6)

     Many  preachers, elders, and members  in  local  congregations  are seeking a new
direction of positivism that refuses to inform  people  when they are  religiously wrong.
Instead of telling their religious acquaintances that  they  are  wrong  in doctrine, faith,
and practice, they first seek common ground of agreement. This is usually the result of
espousing a misconception of love. To them, love is an emotion or affinity that promotes
comradery. The New Testament uses the word love to denote intense interest in the
spiritual  well-being  of  others. It  seeks  peoples'  best  interest even when it strongly
differs with them, and  it  always  puts  God  and  his  will  first.  The  person who is
characterized by biblical  love  realizes  that emotionalism and personal affinity toward
those who are religiously wrong are not the answers to their need.

     Jesus loved everyone he met during his earthly service for his Father, yet he never
hesitated to tell the religious leaders among the Jews when they were wrong. He told
the Pharisees and scribes that they broke the commandment of God for the sake of
their tradition. (Mat. 15:3) He said they were hypocrites. (Mat. 15:7) And he said they
were   blind   guides  and   that   they   were  not  planted  by  the  heavenly  Father.
(Mat. 15:13,14) When the Sadducces questioned him about the resurrection of the
dead based on their erroneous assumptions,  he  plainly  told them, "You are wrong,
because    you    know    neither   the    Scriptures    nor   the   power    of   God."
(Mat. 22:29, ESV-2011) The apostles imitated Jesus and so should we. (1 Cor. 11:1;
Phil. 4:9)

     A new direction for the doctrine would be the wrong direction. God teaches that
his word is not to be changed. It is a fixed body of truth, as it has been "once for all
delivered to the holy people." (Jude 3) Jesus shed his blood for the New Covenant.
(Mat. 26:28; Heb. 9:11-17) It is "the complete law of liberty" and therefore allows no
changes. (Jas. 1:25) It constitutes a pattern of sound words from the mouths and pens
of the apostles and other writers who were guided by the Holy Spirit. (2 Tim. 1:13;
1 Cor. 2:13; Eph. 3:5) It is our standard of faith and conduct. Therefore, there can be
no "new direction" for the doctrine!

     Some of these men are deemphasizing the most  fundamental doctrines such as the  
one church/congregation of the saved  (Eph. 4:4).  Some  of them will not rest till they
have "proven" the acceptability of denominationalism. Perhaps a friend, child, mother,
or other family member has died, and they are allowing human emotions to alter what
the sacred scriptures teach. They often do this under the guise that they have "matured"
in their thinking through the years, and the veil of "church of Christ traditionalism" has
been lifted. They are seeking a new direction and are willing to sacrifice and compromise
the truth to get there! (Mat. 7:13-14; cf. Jer. 6:16)

     Others   are   seeking   a   new   direction for the biblically based  worship that has 
characterized the congregations of Christ. They decry the biblical viewpoint that we are
to sing without mechanical accompaniment. (Acts 16:25; Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16) They
now say  that  whether  or  not  we  use  instrumental  music in worship is a matter of
opinion. It  is  optional  and  is of  no  consequence. They are wrong. They go further
and   state   that  choirs,  choruses,  and   other   singing   groups  are  authorized   in
the worship of the congregation. We ask, "Where's the proof?" Some among them go
further in their pursuit of a new direction. They hesitate to directly employ instrumental
music in their worship, so they use their voices to "mimic" the sounds of the instruments
they reject. This, too, is without warrant  in  the   New  Testament. God says "teaching
and admonishing one another in all wisdom...singing." (Col. 3:16) I would like to know
how mimicking the sounds of instruments of music in worship meets the standard that
God has set. 

      Rather than seeking a new direction for the doctrine, practice, and attitude of the
Lord's disciples toward religious error, we should seek the right direction, and when
we  find  it,  we  should  walk  in  it and  if  need  be, give our very lives in defense of it.
(Prov. 23:23; 2 Tim. 4:1-8)
                                                                                                              R. Daly

Copyright 2011


  1. The only thing I would like to add is a profound AMEN!

  2. Thank you my brother! Praise be to our God that he is blessing you, a young man, to firmly and uncompromisingly stand for the truth. May your passion for the holy way of God always keep you grounded in the pattern of the New Testament in all things.

  3. Sound like your non denomination denomination is splitting. Legalism kills.

  4. No, "Ron." I do not have, nor do I know of a "non denomination denomination." The only people I have known who know of such are those in denominations, or those who were in Christ Jesus and became disgruntled and sour because there attempts to lead God's people into denominationalism failed. One thing that would be helpful is to clearly state one's beliefs, then come out into the open and kindly and boldy give your defense.

    I have heard people say that legalism kills. It may do so, but one thing is certain, yielding to God's will, obeying God's commands, and seeking to build according to God's New Testament pattern is NOT legalism!

  5. Deny it all you want. Your sect is a demonination. You started off as one in the early 1800s. You have broken off into 3: liberal, conservative and legalist. History proves this and stands against you.

  6. "Ron" it is interesting that you seem to "know" more about the Lord's people than the Lord knows. Your statement..."you started off in the early 1800s..." shows that your knowledge of the Lord, his people, and his word could use some fine tuning, my friend. Have you read Matthew 16:18? What about Ephesians 1:22-23; 4:4? Do you accept the phrase Paul uses in Romans 16:16, "the churches (congregations) of Christ greet you? By the way, when did the "church" you are in start, and which text in the New Testament authorizes it to exist? Do you believe for instance, that the Baptist Church is found in or authorized by the New Testament? Thanks for posting "Ron."

  7. You can deny it all you want but your non-denomination denomination started in the 1800s. Stop deceiving yourself and your followers Mr. Daly. History stands against you. There is NO historical data that confirms your sect. Again, there is None. Produce the evidence. You can't if your life depended on it. When Paul wrote Romans he was referring to churches with him in Corinth. Do you deny the plain reading of the text? The Universal church I belong was started by the Lord himself. Answer me why there have been at least 3 splits in your non-denomination denomination?

  8. "Ron" you say that "when Paul wrote Romans he was referring to churches with him in Corinth." You need to be a more careful student of the both the Bible and history! Paul wrote, "ALL the churches (congregations) of Christ salute you." (Rom. 16:16) I ask you again, Do you believe for instance, that the Baptist Church is found in and authorized by the New Testament? Which local congregation do you attend? What descriptive phrase or "name" is on the sign of its building? Come on "Ron" tell us. How did you enter the "universal church" that you claim to be a part of? How is it described? You say it was started by the Lord...okay...PROVE it. Surely, you would not want to be associated with any "group" claiming to be "of" Christ the Lord, because according to you, the church (congregation) of Christ is a sect that started in the early 1800's. Too bad that you are not aware of Mat. 16:16; Eph. 1:22-23 and Eph. 4:4! I look forward to reading your answers to the questions I have asked. Do not allow your denominational and sectarian thinking to scare you away from the "plain reading of the text."

  9. You still have not produced evidence of your existence outside of the 1800's. Why? because deep down you know there is none! The text you refer to does not say "church of Christ". The phrase used in that verse is plural. He NOR ANY other inspired writer EVER USED the singular expression. The text literally reads "the assemblies of anointed one greet you". Your legalistic cult is not ever mentioned in any text of scripture. Any church that has right doctrine concerning the essentials of the faith has a right to exist. History stands against your legalistic cult. The Bible stands against your legalistic cult. Jesus stands against your legalistic cult. The Apostles stand against your legalistic cult. Need I say more? I base my conviction upon the church's doctrine; the promise of God to perpetuate His church and the testimony of scripture. Your cult denies all three! Again, I say legalism kills. But where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. Soli Deo Gloria!!

  10. Ronyal, you have not answered my post which was written in response to you. The reason is obvious: You nor any other human being can find authority for the existence of the Baptist Church. The Baptist Church was not planned by God, was no built by Christ, was not revealed by the Holy Spirit, nor was its doctrines preached by any of the apostles. Your only alternative is to launch an attack against the people of God. I will now ask you again what I have asked Billy Jenkins: which text in all the word of God mentions a Baptist Church or Baptist Churches? Come on Ronyal cite the text! You know it is not in the Book. Let your fingers do the walking...find the text that mentions a Baptist Church or Baptist Churches. Where is it Ronyal?

    When you get the opportunity open your Bible, and without prejudice, read Matthew 16:18; Ephesians 1:22-23; 4:4; Romans 16:16. Christ promised to build HIS assembly. He is the head of HIS assembly, and Paul said, "All the assemblies OF Christ greet you." Now, Ronyal, cite JUST one scripture that mentions a Baptist Church or Baptist Churches. Give me and the readers JUST ONE scripture that mentions the Baptist Church in the singular or Baptist Churches in the plural number.

    You stated that the phrase Paul used in Romans 16:16 is plural. I am glad you can see that and you are so true. If a group of congregations would be "assemblies," "congregations," or "churches" of Christ (Romans 16:16), Ronyal, what would ONE "assembly," "congregation," or "church" be? Ronyal, please give an answer to the question. Now, I ask you again, in which biblical text do we find the phrase "Baptist Church" or "Baptist Churches" in the New Testament? Ronyal, don't ignore the question, answer it.

  11. Mr. Daly, you should realize your tactics only work with your decieved devotees in your COC cult. I don't fear your antics. You have never answered ANY of my questions: Where was your cult for 1800 years? You stand in the line with Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons, who use smoke screens to try and deny history!! Those straw man and circular reasoning arguments may work with your followers but not me.
    You can't prove your existence before the 1800's if your life depended on it!! If you deny history, then you also deny the God of history, and the book of history. God gave us "pastors and teachers to equip the saints". Give me one example of your so-called "pastors and teachers" equipping the saints for 1800 years??? All I ask is that you produce "ONE VERIFIABLE INSTANCE". Just one!! Again, history stands against your cult, just like history stands against the JW's and Mormons. That proves the cult you belong to doesn't fall in within the pale of orthodoxy.
    Your arguments would be laughable if I didn't think you were serious. Give it up Mr. Daly. Trust in Jesus alone for your salvation.

  12. Ronyal, the key factor you fail to understand is, the "roots" of the Lord's people, Christians, members of the congregation of Christ are in the very word of God, not uninspired tradition like the Baptist Church. (Col. 2:6-7; Luke 8:11; Matthew 16:18; Ephesians 1:22-23; 4:4; Romans 16:16) Ronyal, to use your own words, "all I ask is that you produce ONE VERIFIABLE INSTANCE...just one" of a Baptist Church or a group of Baptist Churches in the word of the living God. The day that you do so, roosters will lay eggs and they will give birth to donkeys.

    The very group that you have called a "cult," "sect," and countless other names is the congregation of the living God, and your efforts to disparage her will not pass!

    Ronyal, do you get jitters when you read Romans 16:16? Do you grit your teeth? Do you become frustrated with discontent when you read that the Lord's apostle Paul, said "Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches (congregations) of Christ greet you?" Does it hurt even more Ronyal, that you cannot find where any apostle EVER established a Baptist Church? Are you grieving deep within your heart when you search for and cannot find even a hint that a Baptist Church EVER existed with apostolic approval in the word of God? Do you get to the point of tears when you realize that in all of your posts, that you HAVE NOT, CANNOT, and WILL NOT cite the scripture that says anything at all about a Baptist Church or Baptist Churches?

    Ronyal, don't you wish Romans 16:16 said, "Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the Baptist Churches greet you?" But, it doesn't say that does it? The existence of Baptist Churches is not what God planned, not what Christ died for, and not what the Holy Spirit revealed. Ronyal, perhaps Romans 16:17-18 comes closer to what you are seeking for the "authority" of the Baptist Church's existence.

    Ronyal, you need to believe, love, and obey the word of God in order to become a Christian, not a member of the Baptist Church, an organization that has no right to exist!

  13. I don't wish to interrupt or be rude. I only wish to point out one fact for all the readers. "Ron" or Ronyal has not produced a single text in all his posts; compare that to the six different passages I was able to count that R. Daly (Ron Daly). Makes you think...

  14. Thanks Daniel. He has no scripture to give us that explicitly or implicitly authorizes the existence of the Baptist Church. And the reason is, he has no scripture to cite! His technique is typical of those who are weak in doctrine, void of argument, contradictory in logic, and uninformed in knowledge...launch personal attacks against the people of God instead of participating in biblical examination. Well, his attempts will not pass.

  15. I will say this to Ronyal.....If a man professes to be a metal worker but teaches for 9 years and returns to the profession, is he not still a metal worker?

    History does give some evidence of "so called" Christianity taking a turn. A turn to Catholicism (the mother of all denominations). The group you refer to in the 1800s was a group that realized that we are not sects but are loyal to GOD's word alone. That is the european group you refer to, but let us forget about the Christians worldwide who never adopted Catholicism or its children. That seems to be what you are doing. We do not follow those people in the 1800s. We follow the word of GOD, and only the word. I applaud your passion Ron, and I hope you can bring that passion with you when you decide to devote yourself to Christ.
