Friday, February 18, 2011

Our Plea

     Local congregations of Christ and the individuals who comprise them,
send  forth  an  unshakable  plea  to  the  ends of the earth. The appeal is
distinct from any statement made by any other religious body on the face
of the earth. In a world that is flooded with religious error and compromise,
the plea is refreshing like spring rain falling on roses soon to perish from
drought. What is "Our Plea?"

     We appeal to the denominational world to lay aside all religious
creeds and accept the sacred scriptures as the only rule of faith and
practice. God has given us the new covenant which is "the pattern of
sound words," and we are to follow it. (2 Tim. 1:13; ESV) It came
from God's mind, was  revealed  by the Holy Spirit and preached by
the   apostles  and   evangelists   who   lived    in   the   first    century.
(Jno. 16:13;  1 Cor. 2:10-13;  Eph. 3:5;  1 Thess. 2:13) The new
covenant is perfect in every way and nothing needs  to  be  added  to
it  or  taken  from  it. (Gal. 1:6-9; Jas. 1:25; 2 Pet. 1:3)  It  will  be  the
written   standard   of    judgment   on    the   last   day.  (Jno. 12:48;
Rom. 2:16)    Therefore,   we    urge  that  the Methodist  disciplines,
the  Baptist manuals, and the catechisms and dogmas of Roman
Catholicism   be   abandoned   posthaste!   They   are   in  part,  the
bases for religious division, strife, and unbelief. Anything less than the
scriptures is too little. Anything more than the scriptures is too much.
Anything that claims to be equal to the scriptures is blasphemous and

     We  appeal to  the  religious  world  to  lay aside denominational
language,  and  to  call  bible  things by bible names. The new covenant
never speaks of  "baptizing  by  means of  sprinkling,   pouring, and/or
immersion." Immersion is the action authorized by God's word. The
very act itself is a portrayal of a burial and resurrection, neither of which
is pictured  by  sprinkling  and pouring. (Rom. 6:4; Col. 2:12) The new
covenant never speaks of the Lord's Supper as a "sacrament." It is
called  the  breaking  of  bread; the  Lord's  Supper; and a communion
or participation in the body and blood of Jesus. (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 10:16;
11:20) The new covenant never calls God's people by such sectarian
names as Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, Jehovah's Witnesses, or any
of the other designations of the denominational world. The name by
which  the  believers  honored Christ  is Christian. (Acts 11:26; 26:28;
1 Pet. 4:16)

     We  appeal to  religious  leaders and their followers to respect the
silence of the scriptures. God's word teaches us that we do not have
the right to do what God has not revealed. We only have the right to
act in harmony with divine revelation. We must "speak the very words
of God." (1 Pet. 4:11) We must act on what God has commanded.
(1 Cor. 14:37) We cannot know God's will unless he tells us. He has
told us his will by the words that constitute the new covenant. (1 Cor.
2:10-13; 1 Thess. 2:13)  Silence  does  not  authorize  one to act; it
prohibits in that one must not do "what the scriptures do not say."
We ask, "What says the scriptures; what is written?" (Rom.3:4,10;
4:3) Jesus could not be a priest on earth because he was from the
tribe of Judah, and Moses spoke nothing about priests from Judah!
(Heb. 7:14) We may not use instrumental music in worship because
God has not told us to use such in the worship of the New 
Testament period. (Col. 3:16; Heb. 2:12; Jas. 5:13)

     We  appeal  to  the  religious  world  at large to refuse to practice
anything that God does not authorize by direct statements, approved
accounts of apostolic action, or the implication of the sacred text.
(Acts 15; Eph. 5:20; Col. 3:17) Therefore, we urge that women elders
and  preachers,  religious   titles  of  distinction,  church   sponsored
recreation  and  entertainment,  and  a  myriad  of other unauthorized
practices be eulogized as false, taken to the cemetery of  apostacy,
and buried beneath the pile of departures from the apostolic pattern,
and a grave marker be erected that reads, "Here lies the not so dearly
departed  and  we  pray  that  they  never be resurrected again!" This,
dear friends, is "Our Plea."

Copyright 2011

1 comment:

  1. We ask, "What says the scriptures; what is written?" (Rom.:4,10; 4:3)

    Rom. 3:4,10 is the passage referenced.

    Amen to the article brother!
