Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Homosexuality or Homosexual Abuse?

     It is sometimes alleged that God's word does not condemn homosexuality
(consensual sex between two males) as an act, but the condemnation rests
on homosexual abuse (forced sex or the rape of one male by another male).
The only way to decide the issue is to allow the sacred scriptures to speak for

     First, we want to be emphatic: God loves all people regardless of their
condition. The word "love" (agape)  means to have high interest in the well-
being  of  others. (Jno. 3:16)  The issue is not whether God loves all human
beings. God loves everybody, including homosexuals!

     Second, we want to be clearly understood; God desires all people to be
saved  regardless  of  their  animosity  toward  him or the depth of their moral
corruption. All  people  will  not be  saved  because all  will not  appropriate
God's  grace that he extends to them. Nevertheless, God "desires" all people
to be saved. (1 Tim. 2:4; 2 Pet. 3:9) God desires that homosexuals be saved.

     It is important therefore for us not to be detoured by "side issues." There
would be no debate if it were a matter of God's love for homosexuals. That
issue has been settled, and all informed people who oppose homosexuality
love the homosexuals, and they teach that God loves homosexuals. The
issue is this: does God's word condemn the act of homosexuality or only
so-called homosexual abuse?

     Homosexuality has always been understood as a violation of God's will
for mankind. It was wrong during patriarchy, Judaism, and in these days, the
age of the N.T.

     In Gen. 19, when the angels entered Lot's house, "the men of the city, the
men of Sodom, both young and old, all the people to the last man, surrounded
the house; and they called to Lot, 'Where are the men who came to you tonight?
Bring them out to us , so that we may know them." (verses 4-5; NRSV) The
men of the city wanted to "know" them. The word "know" (yada) means to
"know sexually, to lie with." (A Bilingual Dictionary of the Hebrew and 
Aramaic Old Testament, Ludwig Koehler & Walter Baumgartner, page
365)  The men of Sodom wanted to have sexual relations with the angels who
entered Lot's house. Lot's reasoned response was "I beg you, my brothers,
do not act so wickedly." (v. 7) He knew that Yahweh's will was not for men
to lie with men as with women, so he offered them his daughters. (v. 8) In
this  context  the  condemnation  rests  on  the  act  itself,  not some alleged
homosexual abuse.

     Homosexuality was also understood to be wrong during the time when
Moses' law was binding on the nation of Israel. Yahweh through Moses said,
"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination." (Lev.
18:22; NRSV) In this text it is the act itself that is condemned. "You shall not
lie with a male as with a woman." The phrases "lie with" and "as with" show
sexual intent; hence sexual intimacy is indicated. These phrases show us that
Yahweh condemns the act of homosexuality. He calls it  "an abomination."
In the eyes of Yahweh  homosexuality  is an  atrocious evil. It is an act that
God detests. Homosexuality was a capital offense under the law of Moses.
(cf. Lev. 20:13)

     The  new   covenant   also  expresses   God's   disdain   for   the  sin of
homosexuality.    Paul     places      it     under     the    classification      of
"degrading   passions,"   "unnatural   intercourse,"   "indecent   acts,"  and
"error/deviation."   (Rom. 1:26-27)   It   is  the  act itself that is degrading,
unnatural,  indecent,  and perverted. It  is  a  deviation  from  that which is
according  to  God's standard for male and female relations. Paul  says both
partners in a  homosexual  relationship  are  "wrongdoers,"  and  they "will
not inherit the kingdom of God." In order to be acceptable with God, they
must be "washed," "sanctified," and "justified" in the name of the Lord Jesus
and by the Spirit of our God. As long as they practice the sin of homosexuality
they are neither "washed," "sanctified," or "justified." (1 Cor. 6:9-11)

     Homosexuality is an act that God's word declares to be sinful, against
nature,   degrading,   indecent,   and  therefore   unacceptable   to   God.
Homosexuality itself  is  an  act  that  involves abuse of one's body, mind,
partner,  society,  God's  law,  and  soul!  God  desires that homosexuals
repent, cease their evil practices, and  be  immersed  into  the name of the
Father  and  of  the  Son  and  of  the  Holy Spirit in order to receive the
forgiveness of their sins, including the sin of homosexuality (Mat. 28:19;
Acts 2:38)

Copyright 2011

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